
Surgical Design Reference Articles

Favorite Phaco Technique II Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Fishkind, William J., M.D. Singer, Jack A., M.D. Nixon, Don R., M.D. July-06
Phaco: What Works? What Matters? Experienced surgeons talk about the features and benefits that really make a difference when using these instruments every day Review of Ophthalmology Kent, Christopher Mar.-06
Avoiding Opacification with Free-Flow Ultrasonic Capsule Cleaning Eye World Singer, Jack A., M.D. Oct.-05
Investigating Capsular Bag Transparency Eye World Lipner, Maxine Oct.-05
Duty Cycle, Fluidics Improve Performance of Cobra and LensQuake Phaco tips Ocular Surg News Singer, Jack A., M.D. May-05
Today's Phaco Machines Pave Way for Future Technologies Ocular Surg News Herskovits, Beth
Piechocki, Michael
Less Energy in the Eye is Trend Among Phaco Units Ocular Surg News Gonzalez, Jeanne Michelle
Nader, Nicole
Piechocki, Michael
Cataract Surgery Today Eye World Samalonis, Lis Feb.-02
Smaller Phaco Handpiece Offers Comfort, Cutting Efficiency Ophthalmology Times Guttman, Cheryl
(Singer, Jack A., M.D.)
Phaco Machines Get New Technologies Eye World Wilson, Ellen Dean Oct.-01
New Directions in Phacoemulsification Review of Ophthalmology Sabbagh, Leslie April-01
Preset Phaco Parameters Allow Surgeons to Switch Surgical Maneuvers Ocular Surg News Europe-Asia-Pacific Edit.   January-01
Preset Phaco Parameters Allow Surgeons to Switch Surgical Maneuvers Ocular Surg News   November-00
Phacoemulsification Continues to Evolve Eye World Wilson, Ellen Dean August-00
Choices Abound Among Diverse Phaco Tips Ocular Surg News Nataloni, Rochelle Feb.-00
AutoCrack Phaco Uses "Fault Lines" to Crack Lens Ophthalmology Times Charters, Lynda July-98
Innovations in Cataract Surgery EuroTimes Henahan, John F. (Singer, Jack A., M.D.) May-June 1998

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Autocrack Phaco Uses Diamond Shaped Curved Tip Ocular Surg News Singer, Jack A., M.D. Oct.-97
Diamond-Shaped Tip Improves Phaco Auto-Crack Technique Ophthalmology Times Singer, Jack A., M.D. Sept.-97
Ocular Surgery News: Letter to the Editor - Ocusystem Ocular Surg News Gills, James P., M.D. April-96
High-Vacuum Setting Works for Phaco-Chop Surgery Ocular Surg News -International Edition Black, Harvey (Pfeifer, Vladimir, M.D.) Dec.-95
Clear Corneal Cataract Surgery Rapidly Evolving into Microsurgery Ocular Surg News -International Edition Kronemyer, Bob Dec.-95
Understanding Phacoemulsification: III. Principles of Nucleofractis Techniques European Journal of Implant & Refractive Surgery Allen, David E., M.D. Dec.-95
Understanding Phacoemulsification: II. Principles Applied to Surgical Practice European Journal of Implant & Refractive Surgery Allen, David E., M.D. Oct.-95
Understanding Phacoemulsification: I. Principles of the Machinery European Journal of Implant & Refractive Surgery Allen, David E., M.D. August-95
A Guide to Phacoemulsification Technology: Fluid Dynamics, Pumps, Ultrasound and Choices Eye News Koay, P., Feb/Mar. 1995
How Seven Phaco Machines Work in Practice Review of Ophthalmology Fine, I. Howard, M.D. Feb.-95
Preferred Technique Employs High-Vacuum Ocular Surg News Devine, Terence M., M.D. Sept.-94
High-Vacuum Phaco System Allows Better Intraocular Control Ophthalmology Times Moyer, Paula (Singer, Jack, M.D.) Sept.-94
Phaco: Evolution without Hard Data Ocular Surg News Devine, Terence M., M.D Sept.-93
Surgeon Offers Tips to Reduce the Risk of Burning Tissue Ocular Surg News Knaub, Jim (Devine, Terence M., M.D.) August-93
Information on Phaco Equipment Should Rush in to Fill the Vacuum Ocular Surg News Devine, Terence M., M.D November-92

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Cobra Tip May Provide More Efficient Cutting; ASCRS Abstract on Dr. Devine's Course ASCRS Symposium & Congress Preview; Am Soc of Cataract & Refractive Journal    
New Phaco Tip Geometry Balances Power, Suction Ophthalmology Times Singer, Jack A., M.D
Devine, Terence M., M.D.
Funnel-shaped Tip Controls Ultrasound Energy During Phaco Ocular Surg News Singer, Jack A., M.D
Devine, Terence M., M.D.
Accommodation of an Endocapsular Silicone Lens (Phaco-Ersatz) in the Nonhuman Primate Ophthalmology Haefliger, Eduard, M.D. May-87
Operative Profile: Richard H. Keates Ocular Surg News Keates, Richard H., M.D. May-87
Silicone Tubing Effective but Requires Meticulous Cleaning Ocular Surg News Freeman, Jerre M., M.D. Dec.-86
The Ocusystem, Surgical Design Ophthalmic Forum Fritch, Charles D., M.D. November 1985
Fritch Eye Care Surgical Center Ocular Surg News Fritch, Charles D., M.D. Burlew, Julie, R.N. Sept.-86
Medicenter Profile: Balian Eye Center, Rochester, MI Medicenter Management Newbery, Florice August-86
Pulsar Cuts Phaco Time, Boosts Efficiency in Cataract Removal Ophthalmology Times Freeman, Jerre, M.D. August-86
Dynamics of Intraocular Flow and Ultrasound Power Ocular Surg News Banko, Anton May-86
Facility of the Month: The Medical-Surgical Eye Center, Hayward, CA Ocular Surg News Davis, David B., III., M.D. Oct. 1985
Management of a Torn Posterior Capsule Ocular Surg News Blaydes, J. Elliott, M.D. Oct. 1985
Phacoemulsification with the Heslin/Mackool Ocusystem; A Follow-up Report Annals of Ophthalmology Heslin, K. Buol, M.D. Guerriero, Paul N., M.D. Oct. 1985
Ultrasonic Capsule Polisher: A New Instrument and Technique Ophthalmic Surgery Devine, Terence M., M.D. Sept. 1985
Intraoperative Troubleshooting of an Advanced Phacoemulsification System Surgical Technologist Taylor, William F., BS,CST Mar. 1985

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Routine Phacoemulsification through a One-Millimeter Non-Sutured Incision Cataract Shearing, Steven P., M.D. Relyea, Richard L., M.D. Loaiza, Augusto, M.D. Shearing, Robert L., B.A. January 1985
Closed Vitrectomy and the Intraocular Implant Ophthalmology Mackool, Richard J., MD May-81
Closed Vitrectomy Works Well in IOL Insertion Ophthalmology Times   April-81
New Microtip for Mackool / Heslin Ocusystem Ophthalmology Times   November-80
New Computerized System Affords Greater Control in Cataract Surgery Ophthalmology Times   November-80
Combined Phacoemulsification and Closed Pars Plana Vitrectomy Capability in a Single Computerized Instrument American Intraocular Implant Soc Journal Mackool, Richard J., M.D. Heslin, K. Buol, M.D. Banko, Anton, M.E. Oct.-80
A Fixed Contact Lens Retaining Ring with its own Irrigation System for Pars Plana Vitrectomy Ophthalmic Surgery Zinn, Keith M., M.D. Grinblat, Avi
Katzin, Herbert, M.D.
Automated Phakotomy and Aspiration of Soft Congenital and Traumatic Cataracts Ophthalmic Surgery Cohen, Samuel W., M.D. Kara, Gerald, M.D. Rizzuti, A. Benedict, M.D. Banko, William
Banko, Anton, M.E.
Lensectomy via the Pars Plana Approach NY Eye and Ear Infirmary Quarterly Journal Mackool, Richard J. M.D. Banko, Anton, M.E.
Locke, Clyde R., M.D.
Spring 1977
Experimental Cataract Fragmentation: Instrumentation and Laboratory Evaluation Ophthalmic Surgery Liu, Hsiao-Su, M.D. Tolentino, Felipe, M.D. Schepens, Charles L., M.D. Banko, Anton, Dip. Eng. Spring 1976

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